Our partners
All along our development we engaged with partners with long term and mutual contributions mindset
BPI France
BPI France has followed the Simorgh group since it's creation in 2008. The Caisse des Dépôts et Consignation bank participated in the financing of Orcaplast and CME acquisition, and follows us in our strategic and operational choices.
The Simorgh group and Orcaplast were selected in 2019 to be participants in the Industrial SME accelerator of Ile de France.
Simorgh Plastic is a member of the BPI France Excellence network

Picardie Investissement
Picardie Investissement entered the Simorgh capital in 2019 during the acquisition of CME. It's an essential partner supporting us in our development throughout the country
Signadile is a M&A firm led by Oliver LARRAT, without which the adventure of Rémi Guy-Grand and Simorgh Plastic wouldn't have been possible

Our customers
And although we are first at their service, we must call our customers partners.